Wednesday - AM

Returning to Posterous

Jess has found a prettier way to embed your posterous account. :-)  It's ridiculously tricky, so she made you this handy video and will help you rework your site so it looks better than the one we installed initially.  (See the Posterous link on the left of this page for a comparison.)



Here is an example of an embedded photo album.  Look familiar???


Here is how Jess and Britt use picasa albums in their website:

Do you want to set up your google account to be able to upload by email?

If you have a Smartphone, there are apps that let you directly upload to Picasa, too.

And just for kicks, did you know that Facebook wants your unborn child?

WHOA! These are three (Plus 1) fabulous robust tools.  Click the +1 below if you joined Google Plus.  Then tell about the tool or feature from this morning's session that you are MOST jazzed by!

Topic: Wednesday - AM Prize Entry


Michelle Johnson | 08/03/2011

I downloaded all of my pictures off my phone into picassa for the first time. I also ordered the prints from walgreens and they will be delivered to my house in 3-5 days. Now I have a years worth of pictures that I can now delete off my phone. Yeah!!!


Debbie | 08/03/2011

Too Cool!! Thank you for the great ideas! I can't wait to get pictures of and from my students to post on our website.


Cheryl DesEnfants | 08/03/2011

I am really excited about Gmail. I have google calendar and picasa but am now more familiar. Google plus should be fun.

Tech Camp

Jen Winter | 08/03/2011

LOVE GOOGLE! Always have, but learned so much more today. Linked all my emails together to come to gmail and how to upload pictures using picasa. THANKS JESSICA!


Cindy Laur | 08/03/2011

I've spent a lot of time reorganizing my Gmail inbox and setting up my calendar. Great organizational ideas! Now I'm off to explore some of the other google opportunities...


Jan Morgenstern | 08/03/2011

I love Google Day! I worked in calendar and email this morning. I added colored tabs to my existing folders and imported the COOR calendar into my calendar program. Cindy and I tried experimented with gmail chatting using our microphones... fun!!!!! As a Houghton Lake employee I have been using gmail and gcalendar for about 2 years so being able to "fine tune" both programs makes them even more useful.


Jaimie Secord | 08/03/2011

So much to explore, so little time! I've played with the calendar, looked at putting emails and messages into different categories, and organizing things. Going to play in Picasa, too.


Jen Hetfield | 08/03/2011

Excited to follow google + just one more thing to pass the time when no updates on facebook;)
Jazzed about importing my work email into gmail, especially because I can never reply successfully from phone to work email!
Going to play with google and clean up my documents this am.


Cathy | 08/03/2011

Gmail is a tool I will explore more. Really like the categories,and associated features.


karla | 08/03/2011

Great, another reason to get a Smart Phone! But I love all the Google features in g-mail, the calendar, and Google plus ( like the circles!) I just made a google calendar and imbedded another calendar--easy!-even for me1

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