
AM Prize Entry

If you have an IWB, what do you think is important to remember when creating lesson?

If you don't have an IWB, what could you say to your administrator about getting one?

If you don't want or need an IWB, what would you like to have instead??

Topic: Thursday


karla | 08/04/2011

I love my Smartboard. I use it everyday and it is very hard to get along with out ( when I have technical difficulties) although i do not utilize all of it's cababilities. I can say i learn something new all the time to try/implement. I wish I had more time during the school year to learn more about it but this time here in tech camp is great! i find when I use the smartboard with my students, it keeps them engaged longer and better (deeper).


Cheryl DesEnfants | 08/04/2011

When creating lessons it tis important to make it interactive. The children need to touching and doing, not just watching and listening.


Jaimie Secord | 08/04/2011

If I were a classroom teacher, I think that having a smartboard would be an amazing resource. Unfortunately, some of our classrooms have IWBs and others don't. Something that we need to work toward is collaboration. We can all learn from one another and make using this technology easier and more productive.


Jan Morgenstern | 08/04/2011

I would love to have a whiteboard but..... I will have to make do with the projector, clickers and MOBI I have. To make my tools more effective I will need to search the internet to find interactive lessons that my kids can use clickers or the mouse on. Of course, I need to remember to keep my kids engaged when using the technological "tools".


Karen Leslie | 08/04/2011

I think the most important thing to remember when using the smartboard is that it is a tool, not the teacher. Like all of the technology--clickers, I-pads, etc--it doesn't replace quality planning, teaching and evaluating.

Smart Boards

Cindy Laur | 08/04/2011

My answer crosses two lines. On the plus side- these are fantastic tools! I truly love the fact that teachers can create and share interactive lessons across the curriculum- and that there are so many ready-made files available on smart excange. Wow. I can see students presenting oral reports on the smart board, and the class doing map work together with the board as well.
However, our district is pretty far from being able to provide each classroom with smart boards... so- I can see that our Mobis and CPS systems can be used to do many of the same things (excepting finding the ready-made files, of course!) Because that is true, I can see that it might be better to save the $4000 per classroom for now and learn how to better use what we have!


Michelle Johnson | 08/04/2011

Teaching High School Algebra 2 students, I enjoy using my mobi with power point presentations along with my document camera. I would ideally love to have 9 ipad touches so that my students could work together in groups. For now, since the money is not there, I am looking to get a classroom set of whiteboards to get more student involvement.


Jenny Winter | 08/04/2011

The most important thing to remember when creating lessons is to keep every student engaged. Make sure that the students touch the board and interact with it. Have other students use whiteboards to answer questions along with the student using the IWB.

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PM Prize Entry: Watch the video below and comment about the difficulties of using media in your classroom.

Topic: Thursday


Ronda | 08/05/2011

Interesting a fun way to learn the law. I'm sure at times unwittingly I've broken a few laws.

Copyright Laws

Cindy Laur | 08/04/2011

I' understand the need for copyrighting- and there have been and will be times I appreciate it, but... I must admit I often resent it greatly! Placing such restrictions on material that benefits so many people often seems extremely unjust. However- I appreciate material of my own creation having protection, so... there you go. I do need to learn more about the whole business.

a cruel irony!

karla | 08/04/2011

Very funny! So, As I understand it, not many media/copywrites are left in the public domain. As long as no one makes a profit from someone elses work and takes it out of context, it's okay to use. Many sights allow teachers to use copywritten materials for "educational purposes" but how many people abuse this?? ( Not any teachers!!)


Jen Winter | 08/04/2011

I think that some people, including myself, are unaware of how these laws affect us as educators. It's a concept that doesn't hold a lot of value until if afffects you personally or others around you.

Copy Rights

Cheryl DesEnfants | 08/04/2011

It is allows good to realize the implications of using media in the classroom, As we integrate more technology into our classroom we need to consider the copy right laws and make sure we are not doing something or using something that could get us in trouble.

Copyright Laws

Jaimie Secord | 08/04/2011

I love that they used Disney clips to create this video. Since Disney has been very aggressive in protecting it's copywritten works, it was the perfect medium. It also made a boring topic interesting. Cute clip!


Jan Morgenstern | 08/04/2011

An eye opening and entertaining video. I imagine that I have broken "a few" copyright laws over the years.... Oops all in the name of education????

Media in the class

Michelle Johnson | 08/04/2011

Great way to show copyright limitations. Very cute.

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